A complete, nutritious meal prepared from premium whole foods
and it's ready to go - whenever you are.
I am out and about every weekend and usually Wednesday after work till dark doing something, hiking, riding the YXZ, kayaking or jet skiing. I love being outdoors. I always bring tons of cold water but never am good about bringing food. When I used to be good about packing a sandwich it always got warm or smashed and neither was good when it was time to eat. I do bring granola bars and beef jerky but both make me so thirsty. So there goes all my water. I was so excited to try AMPLE it's a MEAL SHAKE that comes in two sizes, one contains 400 calories, the other 600. We brought our AMPLE bottles out Sunday on our YXZ ride.
After riding for a few hours in the sun and wind we stopped under a tree for some shade, got out our AMPLE bottles a nice cold water and filled up the bottle. After a minute of shaking the creamy mixture up they were ready to enjoy. EXCELLENT tasting, not to sweet and very filling after a few hours of riding in the heat. Perfect on the go meal. I was very impressed.
AMPLE has a rich, creamy texture, nutty taste, and just the right hints of sweet cocoa and cinnamon that is sure to satisfy your appetite.
Nutrition is more than the sum of its parts. Formulating an optimally nutritious meal that provides lasting fuel, satiety, and health requires an understanding of the biological processes that drive your well-being.
Fortunately, we’ve done the work, so you don’t have to
Superior Natural IngredientsNatural whole food ingredients ensure high nutrient absorption and bio-availability. Just as important as what we include is what we exclude.
- Non-GMO
- Soy-Free
- Free of artificial sugars
Protein Blend Over 24 grams of complete protein provide the body with all 20 amino acids required for muscle synthesis and satiety. Components: Grass-Fed Whey Protein Concentrate, Organic Brown Rice Protein, Grass-Fed Collagen Protein
Carbohydrate Blend Fiber and Prebiotics Nearly half of the total carbs in Ample are fiber and prebiotics to aid in digestion and nourish the healthy gut microbiome. Components: Organic Psyllium Husk, Organic Artichoke Inulin, Organic Acacia Fiber, Green Banana Resistant Starch
Starches Minimal starch and low sugar prevents excess insulin spikes, inflammation, and oxidative stress. Components: Tapioca, Organic Sweet Potato
Plant-based Micronutrients Organic plant extracts provide vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to fight off free radicals. Components: Organic Wheatgrass, Organic Barley Grass, Organic Chlorella, Cacao
Lipid Blend Complete spectrum of healthy fats, including saturated, monounsaturated, MCTs, omega-3s, without excess omega-6s, provide fuel and cell structure without inflammation. Components: Coconut Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil, Sunflower Lecithin, Omega-3 Chia Seed Oil
Intelligent Macronutrient Ratio Ample Size 400 cal 600 cal Fat 21g 31g Carbs 28g 42g Fiber 9g 14g Sugar 4g 6g Protein 25g 37g
Once you try AMPLE you will be hooked. They sell in packs of 6, 12, 30 or 60 bottles. The price goes down for the bigger pack you get. I would like to see other flavors.
Not that this flavor isn't good, I just would like a variety. Or even if AMPLE was sold in a bulk powder would be nice so you can just add it to your water bottle or shaker bottle you already have, less waste.
Sometimes it's easier to watch a video then read =) Here's 2 short videos from AMPLE explaining what I just wrote above. ENJOY & after you watch order some AMPLE.